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GeoGebraGeoGebra Razred

Rotations and Line Reflections Challenge


Build a dynamic worksheet which can be utilized to investigate the rotation (by 90, 180, 270, or 360 degrees) and reflection over a line of an object. Be sure to utilize an appropriate shape/image for the investigation. Once you have completed your construction, discuss it with your group. (be sure to utilize a slider for rotations limited to 90 degree increments)

Construction Steps:

Describe the steps for recreating your dynamic worksheet.

Investigation Questions:

1) Are there any combinations of a rotation (by 90, 180, 270, or 360 degrees) and reflection over a line that can be performed by a single transformation on the initial image to become the final image? (Describe any and all possible combinations and the single transformation the combination relates to.)

2) Can these relationships be applied to any image, or are there exceptions to these relationships?