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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom



A cylinder is a closed solid that has two parallel bases connected by a curved surface OR A solid object with two identical flat ends that are circular or elliptical and one curved side.


Design an applet to show net of cylinder.,

User Guideline

-move the slider 't' then there becomes a Net of Cylinder. Where the red object in this applet is curved surface and the yellow objects in the applet are the parallel bases of the solid object.


Construction Protocol

to create the applet of the net of cylinder we follow the following construction steps:- 1. At first open the new GeoGebra window and switch the perspective 3D-graphics . 2. Text- Net of Cylinder by using text tool. 3.Create a number slider t with min-0 and max-1 and increment-0.01. by using slider tool. 4.create the points A=Point(Y axis) and B=Point(Y axis) by using the input tool. 5. Also create =(1-t), r=/ ,=t-/2 and Cylinder(c,3) by using the input tool. 6. Show the auxiliary object. 7. Rename the Points (d,b,a) by (e,f,b). 8. Create a intersection points in circle d and the (0,3) points on graphics. 9. Input a=Line(C,x Axis), D=(0,1,3), g= Perpendicular line (D,xOy plane), K=Circle(g,c), e'=(Rotate(Rotate(e,,a),,x Axis), d=(Rotate(Rotate(e,,a),,xAxis) , h=Circle(A,B,xOy plane)by using input tool. 10.Input E=if (t<1,(r sin(-),r(1-cos()),cos()-3 sin(),3 cos),3 cos()+r(1-cos(-))sin()),(-,-3 sin(),3 cos()) and F=(put there only in the place of (-) others are same as E) Also, input G=If(t<1,(r sin(-),r(1-cos(-))cos(),r(1-cos(-))sin()),(-,0,0)) and H=(put there only in the place of (-) others are same as G). by using input tool. 11. Input, m= segment(E,G) , n= Segment(F,H), p=Line((0,1,0),z Axis) and q=Circle(p,B) by using input tool. 12. Input, If(t<1,Surface(r sin(u ),r(1-cos(u )) cos()-v sin(), v cos()+r(1-cos(u ))sin(),u,-1,1,v,0,3)) and, If (t<1, Curve(r sin(u ),r(1-cos(u ))cos(),r(1-cos(u ))sin(),u,-1,1),Curve(,u,0,v,-1,1)). Also, If (t<1,Curve(r sin(u ),r(1-cos(u )) cos()-3 sin(),3 cos ()+r(1-cos( u ))sin(),u,-1,1,Curve(,u,-3 sin(),3 cos(),u,-1,1)). by using input tool. 13.Hide all unnecessary object from the applet. At last Enhance your construction by using object properties.

Test Your Understandings

Q.n. 1 What is cylinder? and how many parallel bases in cylinder?